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Updated: Aug 31, 2021

Are you looking for a place to experience the beauty of God? Does the idea of harvesting quietness speak to your soul? Will you take time to reflect on the many ways God is actively pursuing you through the world and others around you? We have a tool to help you do just that. Say Hello— to Evergreen, a faith-based digital magazine.

The Reason for Evergreen

Jehovah-God is involved in every detail. He is always active. He doesn't shift or change based on trends, popularity or circumstances. He can be fully trusted in every season. Even in the tough ones.

We named our magazine Evergreen because scriptures say we have the ability to stay constant, or remain evergreen, if we stick close to Christ. The author of John 15 explains the key significance and rich benefit of staying connected to the Giver of Life. His passage describes a rooted and renewable life, one that is sustained and ongoing in Christ.

Yet, sometimes, these truths are hard to swallow, especially if you haven't always felt this way about faith, or if you feel that God hasn't held up His end of the deal.

Through truths found in scripture, we can examine our assumptions about God against the lens of His perfect nature. He is the only One capable of defining Himself. Too often we have defined God based on personal core beliefs that are not accurate. There exists misinformation about God that erodes the confidence and curiosity of our questions because it is based on emotional reasoning or prejudices. But if we explore scripture with the goal of understanding the main character, God, we come to see our personal biases being tested and refined. So, come along with us as we explore the nature of God found in scripture and then expressed through poetry, beauty, art and music in Evergreen, the digital magazine. The tough realities of life often require authentic exploration. In those places of digging, the fallow grounds of our hearts may just crack small enough to recognize a verdant seedling—that seedling may one day turn into a towering evergreen. Let's go digging.

I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” John 15:5

Photo courtesy of picmonkey

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