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The Prayer

The Prayer is a signature element of every Evergreen issue and is provided by a different spiritual leader in our local community. This issue's theme was "Prayers and Papers", and so we included three prayers from members of our community.

Open Hands by LIsa Anne Tindal

A prayer from Elizabeth Ricks, Savannah, Ga.

Eternal Things

When I feel weak in my longing, Lord make me strong.

When I feel sad because of my loss, comfort me with your loving spirit and sheltering wings.

When I grieve and long for the memories of the past, remind me of what is to come

and that You make all things new.

When I doubt your plan, tell me that You are the Creator and

You restore all things that are broken.

When my heart longs to feel one more touch, word, or sound of my dear loved one,

shift my focus to the healing, wholeness, and completion of where they are.

Lord, may Your favor be my shield; May Your joy be my strength; May Your hope be my resting place; May Your peace pass all of my understanding.

Thank you, Father, for going before and behind me, carrying me along the way.

Thank you, Father, for going before and behind me, carrying me along the way.

A prayer from Kim King, Savannah, Ga.

Joyful Song, Psalm 100:1-2 by Molly Courcelle

Heavenly Father,


In the midst of life’s trials, we turn our eyes to You, knowing that though our outer world may crumble, Your grace renews us within each day.

Help us to focus on the eternal, to see beyond the temporary struggles, and to trust in the glorious future You have prepared for us.

May our hearts remain steadfast, anchored in the unseen promises that will last forever.

Strengthen us with Your Holy Spirit, and the hope of Your eternal joy.

Guide us to live each day with deep faith in Your unfailing love. In Jesus' name, Amen. 

 A prayer from Lisa Dorn, Augusta, Ga.

A Bolder Grace by Lisa Anne Tindal

Lord, in our loss, in our grief, in our greatest time of need, You are there.

When the storms rage in our lives and our hearts, You calm the waters.

You know our pain and You call us to come to You, promising us that there, in Your arms,

we will find rest.

Thank you for being present, for being our rock and source of unshakeable faith.

You are worthy of our trust.

We love you, Lord. May our lives reflect that love always.

In Jesus' name. Amen.

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