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Excerpt from "Conquering Death Heaven's Journey into Now and Forever"

by Michael Colon

Power of the Cross, I Corinthians 1:18 by Molly Courcelle

From the moment we enter this world, our bodies immediately decay on the cellular level. The hourglass gets flipped over, emptying out choices and memories until it all hits the bottom as planned by God. Once God initiates our hourglass creations, the sands of our lives start on the point of life and travel toward the finish line of earthly death. Everything that is manifested by the will of God eventually returns to the ethos of His will, and that is a blessing.

The end is just the beginning for the children of the Lord — it becomes the beginning of living in peace and harmony with the Creator of all things. The fact that we don't continue our earthly experience is a gift because returning to our true home is one of the grandest parts of eternal life.

However, until we say yes to Jesus, we are mere flesh and bone for the devil to devour. Jesus is the key to salvation and to fending off the hungry lion — the devil. Awakening spiritually, understanding our true identities and who we are called to be in this life and the next, is our truest purpose.


Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was; and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it. Ecclesiastes 12:7

   Human beings were created from the soil of the earth. Our earthly temples were constructed from the natural world and represent God’s unique order of creation (Gen 1:27). Our spirits inhabit precious temples that God constructed carefully for a specified time and plan.

(for the rest of the story email:

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